For all the joys associated with teaching a kid to skate — the shrieks of happiness, the “I’m doing it” look — there are certain pains as well. Namely the aches in one’s back and knees after spending two hours…

For all the joys associated with teaching a kid to skate — the shrieks of happiness, the “I’m doing it” look — there are certain pains as well. Namely the aches in one’s back and knees after spending two hours…
First off, allow me to apologize. This site has been in existence for nearly two years, and I’m only NOW writing a post about determining slope. Why am I apologizing? BECAUSE THIS IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVERY POTENTIAL…
You’ll have to trust me on this one, but I’m writing this with a scowl. While everyone else is giddy with anticipation over the approaching warmth, we rinkbuilders are left with the saddest of sights: our new home-made reflecting pools.…
I absolutely cannot take credit for this design, as a member of the Yahoo! Backyard Rink group described it in an e-mail back in December of 2009. When I e-mailed him and asked for his permission to include it here,…
How to build a backyard rink for under $250. Boards, supports, liner, everything. It’s all here, with a parts list and simple instructions.